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Plan a visit

Regular Services

Sunday School

Sundays, Aug-May - 9:15am

Adult Bible Study

Every Sunday - 9am

Worship Service

Every Sunday - 10:30am

What to Expect

Upon arrival, you will be welcomed with a smile by our team of greeters. They will be happy to direct you to the sanctuary, Sunday school rooms, nursery, or bathrooms.

What are the Services Like?

CLC services are typically about an hour in length. We begin with a hymn followed by Confession/Absolution and Scripture Readings. Then another song and a short lesson for the children at the front of the sanctuary. After that, enjoy a bible-based, hope-filled message about Jesus. We then finish out the service with a confession of faith, prayers, and another song.

What About my Kids?

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me", and we love to see children in worship. Feel free to bring them into the service with you, or if you prefer, we have a furnished nursery where you can sit with them while still receiving God's word. 


We also have activity bags (on the wall of the nursery) so kids can color, read bible stories, or play with finger puppets.


Before the service, there are Sunday School classes available for all ages (yes, even the adults).

Can I Take Communion?

We normally celebrate the Lord's Supper on the first and third Sundays of each month.


The Bible says, "Let a man examine himself...for anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself." (1 Cor. 11:28-29). Prepared communicants are baptized Christians who have repented of their sins, believe in Jesus as their personal Savior for full forgiveness of all their sins and in the Real Presence of His body and blood in the bread and wine, and intend to grow, by the power of the Holy Spirit, in a deeper walk with Jesus and His Church.


If you have questions about communion, feel free to contact us or speak to the pastor prior to service.

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